Hall Pass

Score: 1.5/5

Hall Pass was fairly enjoyable to watch. Very fairly. Most of the movie was unfunny, except for a couple parts, which were the golf course scene and the scene in the end where the weird man was destroying the minivan. Aside from those brief moments, most of it was pretty bland. It consisted mostly of vulgarity and obscenity which I believed was unnecessary given the talented cast who is known for being funny (i.e. Owen Wilson, Wedding Crashers). Overall I wasn’t very pleased with Hall Pass. It’s script is pretty sleepy and the premise isn’t very attractive. Given these talented funnymen, I was disappointed, this could have been a much funnier film, and the Farrely Brothers could have done much more. Don’t expect Hall Pass to be as funny as Dumb and Dumber or There’s Something About Mary. Seems like the movie was thrown together and not very well thought out. I want the Owen Wilson who crashed those weddings back! Somebody call Vince Vaughn for another go around please.

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